gstening: Geranium
gstening: Bumblebee
gstening: Winter wonderland
Marin Forcella Photography: Tramonto Città Alta
darkyanabas: DSC_0039
sonic0500: tears were shed at that time have supported me even now. 224
sonic0500: tears were shed at that time have supported me even now. 289
sonic0500: But brightness that has passed through the clouds It is not go back anymore to the sky 038
hkvam: countless
~moniqe~: goodbye summer
lichtmaedel: At my pond fjórir félagar
aleshurik: washing time
aleshurik: 1140 копия
aleshurik: The end of sunny day
aleshurik: ..following the rainbow..
aleshurik: foggy day
| Les Hirondelles |: Half of it's misunderstanding love
| Les Hirondelles |: All you need
sonic0500: while looking for tomorrow 033
sonic0500: memories spent with you is fading little by little. 224
Jón Óskar.: Iceland