Dom Finizio: spiral graveyard
ND Wind Twins: J is for Jump
bartholmy: Potpurri mit Sternen und Streifen / US Medley
Helene Bassaraba: IMG_4646-1
JuttaV.: Frühling
ingrid eulenfan: Abendkaffee
sure2talk: blackbird
Hanoi's Panorama & Skyline Gallery: Untitled_Panorama867s
Heide56: Gesicht
Helmut Reichelt: Im Spitaltor
pas le matin: Si Phan Don (4000 islands), Laos
The Dark Frog: Seidenschnabel
Helmut Reichelt: Passauer Silhouette
bartholmy: Vertrackte Geometrie / Non-Euclidean Geometry
ferpectshotz: A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing...
pas le matin: Village, Laos
ingrid eulenfan: Have a nice Weekend! / Schönes Wochenende!
LensEye View: Half Dome - Yosemite National Park, California
ferpectshotz: During all these years there existed within me a tendency to follow Nature in her walks…
sure2talk: white winter trees
Helmut Reichelt: Traumwinter
peterwoelwer: Montag, 04. Februar 2019, 06:39 Uhr