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www.ryanaskren.com: Blue-winged teal drake touching down
Anne Ahearne: Adorable Mourning Dove Fledgling
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Dan Demczuk: Northern Hawk Owl
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: red-breasted merganser - Harle huppé - Mergus serrator
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Bufflehead - Petit garrot - Bucephala albeola
Curt's Pix: The Bing Crosby of Cranes
Through The Big Lens: American kestrel, male
DennisKirkland: High Flehmen
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Turk Images: Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
beachwalker2007: Red-tailed Hawk
www.natavian.com: Ruddy Turnstone (Breeding Adult)
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beachwalker2007: Black- or Yellow-crowned Night Heron?
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: JWL2232 Goldcrest...
snooker2009: The Boss Whitetail
Old Geezer. 1950-2022: Tundra Swans are stopping by on there way south
Ed Rizer: BUFFLEHEAD hen - This diminutive little diving duck can be hard to find in Polk county; this is my fourth encounter with the Bufflehead, all hens and all at Lake Morton in downtown Lakeland, Florida
Turk Images: Lesser Scaup - Ever Vigilant
Alexandre Légaré: Pluvier kildir // Killdeer