DaizyB: Week 7 of 52 [ chaos ]
not too shabby: Baby Pink-toed Tarantula
not too shabby: Shield Bug - Pentatomidae: sp.
Divine Harvester: I don't know what DIRTY HEADS is, but I like their sticker...
jannepaint: End of Summer
jannepaint: The Final Touch
haleyluna: kevin!
cobalt123: Star Center, Pomegranite Detail
Tafari: Dragon Fruit
NolwennP: Today's play in my Art Journal
cathy.bluteau: Journal Pages
Bojd: Pascal - WallTap 180 Mute
escher is still alive: Melted Ice Imprint
escher is still alive: Melted Ice Imprint
escher is still alive: Variegated Oak Leaf Curtain
babukatorium: Spiderweb Crochet Tree
woolly fabulous: Nice blue sky today!!
woolly fabulous: now it's finished...... I think.
woolly fabulous: This took the entire afternoon...
Flowerquetzal: Duck TtV
charleshaa: Liquid in Motion 3/3
Steve Castle: HBW in Motion
Gronson: Balls in motion
Endre 3000: Hypermarket motion blur fruits
Jokull: Motion blured sea
~Mina~: Motion