not too shabby: 0G9A8294
not too shabby: 0G9A8269
not too shabby: Rainbow Bee Eater
not too shabby: Greg Butcherbird
not too shabby: Don't Ruffle My Feathers
not too shabby: White Faced Heron - Egretta novaehollandiae
not too shabby: Sharp Tailed Sandpiper - Calidris acuminata
not too shabby: Cormorant_
not too shabby: Little Corella
not too shabby: Omoedus orbiculatus
not too shabby: Natural Arch
not too shabby: King Parrot
not too shabby: Eastern Yellow Robin
not too shabby: Eastern Whipbird
not too shabby: Lonely Boy
not too shabby: How's my do look?
not too shabby: Bison Calf
not too shabby: Crouching Maratus, Hidden Prey
not too shabby: Orange Palmdart - Cephrenes augiades
not too shabby: Unknown Salticidae
not too shabby: I Bow Down To Ye!
not too shabby: The Crown Jewel
not too shabby: Salticidae - Astia Hariola - Female
not too shabby: This Man is a Mean Man
not too shabby: Flat out
not too shabby: Creeping up on ya!!
not too shabby: Salticidae - Urogelides daviesae
not too shabby: Salticidae - Urogelides daviesae - showing spinnerets