Sigpho: Nequita - Wild'n Out
Alain Daigle: Junco ardoisé \ Dark-eyed Junco
Roberto_48: Castillo de Loarre
Catimini79: Champignon magique - Magic Mushroom (Explore, September 27, 2023 & November 3, 2022)
SKeysImages: PBGR221101cCS
Roman Popelar: Geroldsee, Germany
Jörg Schäfer: End of the Line
sandra bourgeois: Chouette lapone - Great gray owl
SkyeWeasel: Grumpy Old Man of Storr
sandra bourgeois: Chouette lapone - Great gray owl
After-the-Rain: Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
sandra bourgeois: Petite nyctale - Northern saw-whet owl
sandra bourgeois: Petite nyctale - Northern saw-whet owl
sandra bourgeois: Chouette lapone - Great gray owl
sandra bourgeois: Chouette lapone - Great gray owl
sandra bourgeois: Petite nyctale - Northern saw-whet owl
sandra bourgeois: Chouette lapone - Great gray owl
redmanian: Little Egret
After-the-Rain: Nuthatch complaining
After-the-Rain: Female Greenfinch
After-the-Rain: Treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
SkyeWeasel: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
Claudio Arriens: Nikon F
After-the-Rain: Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
martinebrassard2: Paruline Jaune
martinebrassard2: Sphinx colibri