astrothad: Orion and Taurus over Morro Rock
rightthewrong: Jefferson's Knee along with Mt Adams and Mt Madison
Gary Randall: Morning Drama
astrothad: The Tulip Nebula (Sh2-101) in LHaGB
rightthewrong: Saturday night Northern Lights
baskill: fisheye_v1p2
rightthewrong: Star Trails 19-20 August 2022
rightthewrong: Clouds on Carter Dome overnight
Roland C.: oldtimAir2022: RedBull / North American B-25J "Mitchell" / N6123C
rightthewrong: Scaled down view of work
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Webb Space Telescope Sends Back a Selfie
astrothad: Northeastern Cygnus; Milky Way
rightthewrong: Mt Chocorua at sunset
rightthewrong: Looking at Loon Mountain with hazy valleys
astrothad: M15 - Globular cluster in Pegasus
Jim Frazier: 1940 Packard 180 Hood Ornament
Matt Dieterich: Comet Leonard
georg19621: Morgenlicht
georg19621: Blick zurück
Kevin M. Gill: Moon - November 10 2021
rightthewrong: 2020 foliage view below the clouds from
georg19621: Mystisches Elbsandsteingebirg
Jeff Graphy: Les-chalets-vrais-par-jeff-graphy
Tryggvi Már: Black and white Seascape
georg19621: Herbstimpressionen
georg19621: Unendlich
georg19621: Blick ins Tal