Vijaya Pandey: Morning Chill
nshaw6: Harris's hawk:
Laura Macky: Male Common Goldeneye
RJSchutDigitaal: Egel - Hedgehog - Braunbrustigel - Hérisson d'Europe - Erinaceus europaeus
okiox: Great Cormorant with some dinner
E_Rick1502: Ferruginous Hawk
ricardo00: GHO getting ready for an evening hunt
Javier Freire: Tortuga
nshaw6: Ladder-backed Woodpecker
nshaw6: Ladder-backed Woodpecker
nshaw6: Cactus Wren:
nshaw6: Cactus Wren:
nshaw6: Harris's hawk
nshaw6: Harris's hawk
nshaw6: Harris's hawk
ricardo00: time to pair up
ricklebaudour: Black Skimmer At Bodega Bay
nshaw6: Harris's hawk
zimorodek: Coming to the night roost.
nshaw6: Black-throated sparrow
nshaw6: Harris's hawk
zimorodek: More and more dark clouds over the country...
Carolien114: Geelkruinkwak - Yellow-crowned night heron
Laura Macky: Golden Eagle
pandatub: Ferruginous Hawk
pandatub: Ferruginous Hawk
ricardo00: burrowing owl waking up
philippe.soriano: A Hooded Merganser hen, rising
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Épervier de Cooper / Cooper’s Hawk / (Accipiter cooperii)
pandatub: Loggerhead Shrike