August Huang: DSC06869
dewollewei: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas !
Zephyrzoo: Waiting For The Flood 247_2818-2048
dewollewei: Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. ~Melody Beatti
meg price: 35/52 Extra
manymuddypaws: Snow is Awesome. Unless it's Yellow 45/52
manymuddypaws: IMG_5667
manymuddypaws: Negotiations
從空中看台灣 Taiwan Aerial Imaging: CPL857KS110618永安魚塭夕照-台灣阿布電影公司提供
從空中看台灣 Taiwan Aerial Imaging: IMG_2185原聲玉山直升機-台灣阿布電影公司提供
從空中看台灣 Taiwan Aerial Imaging: 大霸尖山+聖稜線-齊柏林攝影CPL8746-3-台灣阿布電影公司提供
Anda74: (11/12) Black And White
joyoyo: 宜蘭縣大同鄉明池國家森林遊樂區
August Huang: IMG_6589-IR
dewollewei: sunrise
SWJuk: DSC_0145 - Terraces in the mist
meg price: 46/52 Adventure Calls!
HarQ Photography: Emotional snow (NECOCO)
Massimo Feliziani: Giallo e verde
air bounce: 咖啡透翅飛天蝦!
MaSo.Kuo: DSC_3368框
Sprotte99: Lissy in Sunset
Spidi1981: Pale di San Martino