Eric Gofreed: Nature’s Ornament: A Waxwing and its Berry
Laura Macky: Savannah Sparrow
Steve Zamek: Monarch
Eric Gofreed: Upside-Down Forager
Eric Gofreed: Ringed Kingfisher-09272-Edit
Laura Macky: Point Arena
David L. Hoffman: Moonrise, Southern Sierra Nevada (2024)
Eric Gofreed: Azara's Capuchin-09964-Edit
ericnzhou: Leucistic Acorn Woodpecker
E_Rick1502: Cliff Swallow
Laura Macky: Phoebe and a Bee
- Adam Reeder -: Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Verde River: IMG_0001
E_Rick1502: Hermit Warbler
E_Rick1502: Black Throated Gray
Glenn Bartley - White-bellied Antpitta (Grallaria hypoleuca)
Bob Gunderson: Marbled Godwit
Creative Nature & Wildlife: The Beauty of Flight!
neilhilton65: Grey Heron
Judylynn M.: Green Violet-ear Fanned Tail copy
E_Rick1502: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Judylynn M.: Sossusvlei Dunes At Sossusvlei copy
Bob Gunderson: Western Meadowlark
cfoo2008: Coffee time…
cfoo2008: Concrete jungle