Art_emis: Blythe dresses
AlmondDoll: Zoe and Willow
BlythebyCihui: πŸŒΌπŸƒπŸŒΊ LEXI πŸŒΊπŸƒπŸŒΌ
Tiina Vanhatupa: Meet Mymble
JennWrenn: advanced potion making
pure_embers: All Hallows' Eve
JennWrenn: unfogging the future?
aleshurik: ..Violin.. the picture from my workshop in Ireland
*gamusina*: Chili is looking for home at my corner (or contact me πŸ˜‰)
Vainilladolly: Saoirse Nomad
Vainilladolly: Saoirse Nomad
_babycatface_: "My ipod, my suitcase, my dog, that's all I need to travel around the world and be happy"
JennWrenn: she's a little bit country...
Vainilladolly: Saoirse BEGGED to try on the butterfly dress first, since she will go away soon and then she won´t have it...and she begged so much that the girls obliged...She begged A LOT!
Art_emis: Sophie
HySβ„“: Pompa ❀
*gamusina*: Ghibli está super contenta con su gorrito de @muffinda_ y su sudadera de @littlemiercoles y ahora se va a comer esta piruleta tan perfecta de @mininekoartesania
togipan: Je regarde passer les oiseaux...
Kai L. K: Katze VI
David McCudden: Willow with Holly Leaves
koraybektas: My favorite place in Moscow
Petronitas by PETRONIALOCUTA: Now at Petronitas
BlythebyCihui: πŸ’— Antoinette πŸ’—
Kewty-pie: Going on a short biz trip.....
ELENANANO: Betty in blue (little darling )
BlythebyCihui: πŸ’— Antoinette πŸ’—
K-Dolls Heaven: ❀✨ All of your dream can come true, never stop to believe in your dream ✨❀ Galactic Candy Mermaid adopted ❀