Richard Billing: Miles Kestrel & Shed
melliottohaire: I'm all ears
Ken Krach Photography: Osprey Light
joe nes: Seoul Metro in minuature
joe nes: Hong Kong from above
g0rsty: Japanese Garden Tilt Shift
John Langholz: Rising Sun Missionary Baptist Church
John Langholz: Grain Fields Forever
John Langholz: Great Hall
John Langholz: Something Always Brings Me Back to You
John Langholz: Special
John Langholz: Honorable Mention
John Langholz: Every Brontosaurus Farm Needs High Electric Fence
John Langholz: Summer Morning
John Langholz: Renewable Energy House
John Langholz: Missouri Farm
John Langholz: Pinetum Lake
ta92310: Panorama of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Axel_Hahn: Consolidation
John Langholz: Grace Episcopal Church La Negrilla
John Langholz: Christ Lutheran Church
Piyush Bedi: The Empire State
rhyspope: Layers And Rays || JAMISON VALLEY || BLUE MOUNTAINS
rhyspope: Discover Paradise || LEURA || BLUE MOUNTAINS
D.!: Skógafoss
Nachtwächter: Treppenhaus