Mike O'Day: A Million Stars in the Deep South ( NGC 104, 47 Tucanae ) by Mike O'Day ( 500px.com/mikeoday )
R.MILLER4565: 2015-10-20_03-52-46
Pegaso0970: M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy - HII Area Enhanced
Andysea1: Markarian's Chain in Virgo
Pegaso0970: Stephan's Quintet
Henry Weiland: Pacman_DBE_reprocesssed
Henry Weiland: Corona Australis
Andysea1: M81M82
Astronewb2011: SmartEQ.FinalCut
Terry Hancock www.downunderobservatory.com: M81 Bode's Galaxy, M82 Cigar Galaxy, Holmberg IX and IFN