brewatl: NGC 7000, North American Nebula
brewatl: NGC 869, The Double Cluster in Perseus
brewatl: Moon, near Northern Terminator
brewatl: Imaging Rig for the 2015 Peach State Star Gaze
brewatl: The Sun
brewatl: NGC 7023, Iris Nebula
brewatl: Messier 33, Triangulum Galaxy
brewatl: Sharpless 2-155, Cave Nebula
brewatl: Wide field ZEQ25 setup
brewatl: The Pleiades (M45) with Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN)
brewatl: Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
brewatl: Moonset
brewatl: Heart and Soul Nebulae
brewatl: Virgo Cluster
brewatl: Cyngus Region
brewatl: Conjunction
brewatl: M8 and M20 Region in Sagittarius
brewatl: Rho Ophiuchus Cloud Complex
brewatl: M13, Hercules Globular Cluster
brewatl: AT8IN Imaging Rig
brewatl: NGC 281, The Pacman Nebula
brewatl: Galaxy Center in Sagittarius
brewatl: First attempt of Mars
brewatl: Single shot of Jupiter
brewatl: Lunar Eclipse
brewatl: Waxing Crescent
brewatl: Waxing Crescent in False Color