Lucien Vatynan: Entre quat'z yeux (explored)
Troy Johnstone: Northern Lights
Krittergirl: How the Colors of the Sky Change at Sunset.
Krittergirl: Another Cute Chickadee
Krittergirl: Thanks for these DE-licious pumpkin seeds!
just4for50: White Azalea
rosiehardy: the Canadians have landed!
Edward Robert: Fires Secret
black_briar: Infinity
genkimonkey: A Stick in the River #2
jeffreynearing: Autumn in Montreal
fyimo: White Tiger
Ammar Al-Fouzan: Thirsty Bee (Explored)
Udayan Kapur: Goodbye 40D
Ken Phenicie Jr.: Cedar Waxwing
manateetiti: high speed 06
manateetiti: High speed 01
lreiney: Pansy Blur
hug n angels: Sundown
Krittergirl: Still Here!!!
suuhorngoddess: Showboat Branson Belle
Krittergirl: Beautiful Indigo Bunting Male
Krittergirl: Fuschia in the Rain
alpenglowtravelers: Multnomah Creek Cascade by Nina
hannahmyers_: fish eye ha ha
Neil Simmmons: cuteasa1_5
photoholic1: Pink Flower