Brad Rutherford:
Fenced in
Brad Rutherford:
Fly on Flower
Brad Rutherford:
The Big Dipper
Brad Rutherford:
Meteorite 6
Brad Rutherford:
Meteorite 5
Brad Rutherford:
Meteorite 4
Brad Rutherford:
Meteorite 3
Brad Rutherford:
Shooting Star Near Big Dipper.
Brad Rutherford:
Meteorite 1
Brad Rutherford:
Meteorite 7
Brad Rutherford:
Days End Nov 1st 2010
Brad Rutherford:
Dragonfly Macro
Brad Rutherford:
Bee Macro
Brad Rutherford:
Halloween Flower Macro
Brad Rutherford:
Brad Rutherford:
Yellow Bel Air
Brad Rutherford:
Brad Rutherford:
Swainson Hawk
Brad Rutherford:
Horse-Theif Canyon
Brad Rutherford:
Canada Day 2010 - Fireworks
Brad Rutherford:
Canada Day 2010 - Fireworks2
Brad Rutherford:
Horse-Theif Canyon
Brad Rutherford:
The Face of the Royal Tyrell Musem
Brad Rutherford:
Royal Tyrell Musem
Brad Rutherford:
Lightning First atempt
Brad Rutherford:
Brad Rutherford:
Morning Splash
Brad Rutherford:
Morning Splash 2
Brad Rutherford:
Red Berries macro
Brad Rutherford:
June 19 Flood. 2JPG