Tombo Pixels: Eastern Bluebird in my yard (New Hampshire)
David McCudden: Sea Hear Now
bud_marschner: Peregrine falcon-5R4A3160
Jarek S. "Jerry": Little bittern
Chris Davidson Photography: AmAvocets-9973-j
Laura Rowan: When you get the choice to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance
Roberto Pazzi: My Little Friend
Laura Rowan: Pink isn't only for flamingos!
Don Delaney: Plain's Bison (Bison bison bison)
Keith Carlson: Yellow-breasted Chat
Don Delaney: Great Blue Heron and Common Merganser
pictaker64: Preening Little gull
pictaker64: Male Redhead
pictaker64: American Woodcock
Laura Rowan: Sparkle never goes out of style. Chrishell Stause
Chris Davidson Photography: Razorbill-8272-j
donna lynn: Oriole Road: Loggerhead Shrike (3246)
CherylsBirds: Painted Bunting Male
jvverde: Langbian Sunbird // Nectarínia-de-peito-preto
Don Delaney: Barred Owl (Srix varia)
Don Delaney: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
Don Delaney: Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)
Don Delaney: Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula)
billkominsky : Cloudy and Rainy But Worth the Trip 2
bud_marschner: Pine Grosbeak_5R4A8148
Betty Vlasiu: Eastern Screech Owl
Laura Rowan: “I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.” — Nathaniel Hawthorne
Gord Sawyer: Hummingbird