Bob Gunderson: American Coot
Bob Gunderson: Hot Footin' It - American Coot on the Chase
Bob Gunderson: Black-bellied Plover
Bob Gunderson: Killdeer
Bob Gunderson: Killdeer - fledging
Bob Gunderson: Semipalmated Plover
Bob Gunderson: Snowy Plover
Bob Gunderson: Black Oystercatcher - Stylish, with the black toenails
Bob Gunderson: Black-necked Stilt
Bob Gunderson: American Avocet
Bob Gunderson: Greater Yellowlegs
Bob Gunderson: Greater Yellowlegs
Bob Gunderson: Wandering Tattler
Bob Gunderson: Spotted Sandpiper - Winter
Bob Gunderson: Whimbrel
Bob Gunderson: Long-billed Curlew
Bob Gunderson: Black Turnstone - Breeding Plumage
Bob Gunderson: Marbled Godwit
Bob Gunderson: B4) Surfbird
Bob Gunderson: Red Knot
Bob Gunderson: Sanderling (Adult, Winter)
Bob Gunderson: Western Sandpiper
Bob Gunderson: Least Sandpiper
Bob Gunderson: Baird's Sandpiper
Bob Gunderson: Dunlin - Breeding Plumage
Bob Gunderson: Wilson's Snipe
Bob Gunderson: Wilson's Phalaropes
Bob Gunderson: A9) Heermann's Gull
Bob Gunderson: Mew Gull