Bob Gunderson: A Splash of Color on an Overcast Day
Bob Gunderson: Song Sparrow
Bob Gunderson: Cantua Buxifolia
Bob Gunderson: Stop preening! Your tail feathers are fine. We're late.We have to leave! Now!
Bob Gunderson: American Avocet - Water Dancer
Bob Gunderson: Mourning Dove
Bob Gunderson: American Wigeon
Bob Gunderson: Lewis's Woodpecker
Bob Gunderson: Barn Swallow
Bob Gunderson: House Wren
Bob Gunderson: Western Bluebird
Bob Gunderson: Steller's Jay
Bob Gunderson: Steller's Jay
Bob Gunderson: Anna's Hummingbird
Bob Gunderson: Morning Fog in Golden Gate Park
Bob Gunderson: American Coot - Webbed Feet Not Necessary
Bob Gunderson: American Coot Feet
Bob Gunderson: Greater Yellowlegs
Bob Gunderson: Rose on an overcast day
Bob Gunderson: California Poppy
Bob Gunderson: Soft Focus
Bob Gunderson: Iris and California Poppy
Bob Gunderson: Iris - Bi-color
Bob Gunderson: Golden-crowned Sparrow
Bob Gunderson: Golden-crowned Sparrow
Bob Gunderson: I seem to have this buzzing in my ear.
Bob Gunderson: Allen's Hummingbird
Bob Gunderson: Song Sparrow
Bob Gunderson: American Goldfinch