Bob Gunderson:
Cinnamon Teal Pair - "I'm Pregnant"
Bob Gunderson:
Anna's Hummingbird
Bob Gunderson:
Hooded Oriole
Bob Gunderson:
Allen's Hummingbird
Bob Gunderson:
Allen's Hummingbird
Bob Gunderson:
Lazuli Bunting
Bob Gunderson:
Red Crossbill
Bob Gunderson:
Song Sparrow - "Oh, what a beautiful morning . . ."
Bob Gunderson:
Sora - "Tippy"
Bob Gunderson:
Wood Duck - Head-on
Bob Gunderson:
Lazuli Bunting
Bob Gunderson:
Ruddy Duck - Spring
Bob Gunderson:
Anna's Hummingbird
Bob Gunderson:
Wood Duck
Bob Gunderson:
Canvasback - with Clam
Bob Gunderson:
Hooded Oriole
Bob Gunderson:
American Wigeon
Bob Gunderson:
Wood Duck & Mallard - Colors of Nature - Green Heads
Bob Gunderson:
Wood Duck & Coot - Colors of Nature - Red Eyes
Bob Gunderson:
Common Loon (Multiple Shots)
Bob Gunderson:
Anna's Hummingbird - Closeup
Bob Gunderson:
Ring-necked Duck
Bob Gunderson:
White-faced Ibis
Bob Gunderson:
Least Sandpiper - "Figure skating is MY Olympic Sport."
Bob Gunderson:
Clapper Rail - with transmitter & leg band
Bob Gunderson:
Marbled Godwits and Friends
Bob Gunderson:
Gray Flycatcher (Multiple Shots)
Bob Gunderson:
Eurasian Wigeon
Bob Gunderson:
Eurasian & American Wigeons
Bob Gunderson:
Eurasian & American Wigeons