mluisa_: Luci a Bukhara
isvibilsky: Blizzard in the City
jody9: sunrise in monument valley
mluisa_: Vento da Sud
.^.Blanksy: summer is over
remo.daut: Pano
stefano cipriani: Tobacco Back Road
stefano cipriani: Directions
Sandra Herber: Garfield
Alexander Shark: autumn shores
Alexander Shark: long way home
Sandra Herber: Goldenrod
Bluesrose: courtyard
wjosna: waiting-for-paradise
tataAnne: Come in
jody9: BAR Redux, Bywater
Marco K.K.: Urban abstractions
Joseph ..: Woods in January
- ArnO -: Through the clouds, I see love shine
@VanveenJF: ... no tourists ...
jody9: closing time at the county fair
jody9: salton sea trailer and blue stool
jody9: sink and mirror
jody9: back door and wheelchair