Gord Sawyer: Coyote
arnicadesembets: -4 ° ça givre !
Andy Pritchard - Photography Services: I'm lucky to be able to call this home
Duncan Jacob: Black Beauty
wesleybarr1962: passport photo, No smiling...........
Snixy_85: Happy New Year!
ricardo00: this is mine!
keje2483: Long Eared Owl
keje2483: Long Eared Owl in the snow
wild prairie man: 2411_1434 Running Bull
denismichaluszko: Pic cendré ♀ / Grey-heade d Woodpecker ♀
wild prairie man: 2311_2450 Nuttall's Cottontail
Saburosan: High surf
tomblandford: Black-bellied Whistling Duck
denismichaluszko: Guêpier d'Europe / European Bee-eater
geno k: Cerulean Warbler / Michigan
wild prairie man: 2404_0570 Curiosity
wild prairie man: 2404_0518 Sharp-tailed Grouse
Turk Images: Plains Bison
E_Rick1502: Eared Grebe w/babies
monte stinnett: Peregrine Falcon fledges
KHR Images: Blue Tits
geno k: Yellow Warbler / Michigan
geno k: Golden-winged Warbler variant / Michigan
rmikulec: Black throated green warbler working away on vegetation during migration
jeff's pixels: The chase