Kevin M. Gill: Voyage of the Moons
roy rimmer: Juvenile Wood mouse collecting honeysuckle berries.
*Jonina*: Happy seal
Renno Hokwerda: Mykines ferry trying to make it to port
roy rimmer: Barn Owl
Icelander_Photography: Holuhraun remix D127764b
West Leigh: Fair Faroes
Esbern Christiansen: Sunset, Faroe Islands
Esbern Christiansen: Aurora borealis over Klaksvik
Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: 2016-03-03 P8330134 "Trust" (please view large)
Luis Valadares: 59/366 - Love Photography
Esbern Christiansen: Risin og Kellingin
wisely-chosen: 4g (5mm)
eydbii: Trøllanes edge
Esbern Christiansen: Westcoast Suðuroy, Faroe Islands
Hans J. Hansen: Fossá
Esbern Christiansen: Minke whale
Don Bello Photography: Gnom- Perspektive
1D110: ..
Shandchem: Grey seals, Halichoerus grypus
Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: 2015-04-01 P7510319 Laughing Gull making a splash
Jan Egil Kristiansen: View from Reiðskarð
*Jonina*: Wood Mouse - Apodemus sylvaticus - Hagamús
Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: UPDATE!! This photo was awarded "Highly Honored" in the 2015 Windland Awards
*Jonina*: Harbour seal - Phoca vitulina - Landselur
In Memoriam: me'nthedogs: A Tiny Thief