Dadissad of Serendiville: Opingat e Sheros
Dadissad of Serendiville: Pjesetar i Ansamblit "VATRA" te Rugoves
Eni Turkeshi Imagery: garden of eden
Edvina Meta: Manual Factory
Klodiana Alia: afternoons in my kitchen
Dadissad of Serendiville: Kush me kembe, e kush me kale,
Klodiana Alia: survivors
belle.fleur: Happy blue Tuesday :)
spare_it: you gotta let it burn :-p
Dadissad of Serendiville: Potami Beach, Himara
Dadissad of Serendiville: Let's take a walk with mom
Klodiana Alia: better run
Klodiana Alia: sunday, 5am.
Klodiana Alia: must not must not must not
Drini S: Shkodër
Drini S: O malet e Shqipërisë
belle.fleur: still life...
spare_it: Naked behind bars....
belle.fleur: sola...
Drini S: Worker at this age
Dadissad of Serendiville: The Sheep Tamer