Dadissad of Serendiville: BBQ, WHISKEY & COUNTRY MUSIC!!!!! AL & STEVE are back!!!! Saturday October 1, 2016 they will be raising hell at SERENDIPITY' S SPAGHETTI WESTERN! Bring a friend, Tell a friend! Reservations: +35568207200 Te Shtune, 1 Tetor, 2016 tek Spaghetti Western rik
Dadissad of Serendiville: Lajmerojme miqte tane, se restoranti yne SERENDIVILLE neser do te sherbeje vetem dreken ( 12.00 - 17.00 ). Porosia e fundit ora 15.30. Sorry. Me tej ambientet tona do te jene ne dispozicion te nje feste korporative. Ju kerkojme ndjese atyre miqve, qe ndos
Dadissad of Serendiville: Ever tried BBQ Ribs Caesar...?
Dadissad of Serendiville: Con mi Professor, Viktor Ristani. Serendipity's SPAGHETTI WESTERN, Tirana, 23 Sept 2016
Dadissad of Serendiville: Such a lovely day, dje, u kenaqem! Merci shume @rozana_radi dhe miqve te saj artista, si dhe personelit te mrekullueshem te Kompanise sone Serendipity ( @serendiville dhe @serendipity_spaghetti ) #tirana#albanian #serendipity #spaghetti #western #american
Dadissad of Serendiville: BeefTexas - Serendelicious Dry Aged Prime cuts grilled to succulent perfection! Only at Serendipity's SPAGHETTI WESTERN! #dryaged#beeftexas#grill#veal#steakhouse#homemadefood #albanian #albania #bllok #kosova #kosovo #prishtina #balcan #skopje #macedonia
Dadissad of Serendiville: !!!Home Made!!! In the carvan of home-made relishes at our two restaurants, our home-made bacon stoid out las night! #homemade#bacon#caesar#dressing#bbq#dressing#dryagedbeef #dryagedsteak #riviera#dressing#tirana #albania #bllok #serendipity #magic#dres
Dadissad of Serendiville: Tatanka, the Burger of Happiness! You too can be happy... #burger#veal#western #spaghetti #serendipity #tatanka #tirana #albania #bllok#
Dadissad of Serendiville: Our Famous Superburger: T A T A N K A - the best veal burger in town! This actually is a bacon and veal burger, the home made burger makes oir Tatanka a real miracle #bacon#veal#burger#tatanka#serendipity #spaghetti #western#
Dadissad of Serendiville: It's F r i d a y N i g h t, so, let your WORRIES VAYA CON DIABLO!!!#hot#spicy#cayenne#freerange#chicken#kroiibardhe#spicy#night#albania #shqiperia #albania #tirana#vsco #foodporn #foodie#american#restaurant#spaghetti#western #restaurant #friday #fridaynig
Dadissad of Serendiville: Serendipity's SPAGHETTI WESTERN: A new world to explore, New yummy foods to enjoy, Come and be a Cowgirl, A Tribe Chief, or a Cowboy! Lovely photo @anisa_mukaj Coudn't help reposting... Thanx!
Dadissad of Serendiville: Southern Comfort II
Dadissad of Serendiville: U cer vite, si salcice me simite! Qef o qef, Ke Serendi Meksikon, Ke Spaghetti... Gringo! Atyne qe na kone xhan, Vallaj, iu ka ra bingo!
Dadissad of Serendiville: La Sangria della Shpia - at SERENDIVILLE & Serendipity's SPAGHETTI WESTERN we make our own S A N G R I A, chilled in the warm season, and mulled during winter. Apart from Sangria, we grind our own selection of prime beef for our Burgers and Chilis, make o
Dadissad of Serendiville: The Eternal question: TO BURGER, TO BOOZE... At the SPAGHETTI WESTERN You can so BOTH! The Reagan Vegan Beetroot Burger - 500 L #vegan#saloon#burger#albania #albanian#torana#rock#saloon#saloon#home#of#burgers#serendipity #spaghetti#western#tirana#foodie#
Dadissad of Serendiville: "SERENDIVILLE," restoranti i 1-re i kompanise sone SERENDIPITY ( Themeluar qe ne vitin 2004, transferuar nga ambientet tona ne bllok ne 2013 ne Vilen 30, Rr. Liman Kaba, perballe Kompleksit Dinamo ) vleresohet serish me noten SHKELQYER ( CERTIFICATE OF E
Dadissad of Serendiville: "SERENDIVILLE," restoranti i 1-re i kompanise sone SERENDIPITY ( Themeluar qe ne vitin 2004, transferuar nga ambientet tona ne bllok ne 2013 ne Vilen 30, Rr. Liman Kaba, perballe Kompleksit Dinamo ) vleresohet serish me noten SHKELQYER ( CERTIFICATE OF E
Dadissad of Serendiville: !!!! Restoranti i I-re i kompanise sone "SERENDIVILLE" ( VILA SERENDIPITY, themeluar qe ne vitin 2004 ) vleresohet serish me noten shkelqyer ( CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCY 2016 ) nga TripAdvisor !!!! Zotohemi si pionere te vertete, qe edhe restoranti yne i I
Dadissad of Serendiville: Friday ❗️12❗️ Aug SERENDIGARDEN! Sing it off with SERENDIPITY!!!Merrja Kenges si te ta doje zemra me SING OFF ALBANIA tek djepi i alegrise dhe i gjonave t'mira: "SERENDIVILLE"!!! This Friday Kete te Premte ( 12.08.16 ) ne oborrin e
Dadissad of Serendiville: Serendipity Spaghetti's "Classic Tatanka" T H E B U R G E R . . .
Dadissad of Serendiville: Duket qarte qe ne kete qytet nuk paska as Serendiville, as Spaghetti Western... #pogradec#albania #tirana #restaurant #western#cuisine#saloon#
Dadissad of Serendiville: Thanx big #rezartveleshnja for the photo and the visit!
Dadissad of Serendiville: You haven't tried our Serendelicious "Grill Shrimp Cake" yet??!! And you call yourself a gourmand... Nuk e keni provuar ende Qoften tone te Karkalecit??!! Edhe i thoni vetes qefli ushqimi, pastaj... #shrimp#cake#grill#shrimp #patty#tirana#albania#bllok#re
Dadissad of Serendiville: SERENDELIVERY, Shpetimtari juaj ne kete vape! E tere menuja tumllas me gjona t'mira e Serendiville dhe Serendipity's Spaghetti Western ju vjen ne shtepine, ose punen tuaj: Telefononi ne +355686093333 Serendiville dhe +355682072000 Spaghetti Western. Me
Dadissad of Serendiville: THE Nachos! #serendiville#now #summer#veranda#tirana#albanian #albania#telefono #restaurant #texmex #kosovo #prishtina#
Dadissad of Serendiville: Me nji telefonate, Ia bo nepsit bat-bat! Serendelivery +35568609333 #homedelivery#sherbim#taci#serendipity#tirana #texmex#food#little #mexico#tirana#albania #albanian #restaurant#homedelivery #telefono#now
Dadissad of Serendiville: Me nji telefonate, Ia bo nepsit bat-bat! Serendelivery +35568609333 #homedelivery#sherbim#taci#serendipity#tirana #texmex#food#little #mexico#tirana#albania #albanian #restaurant#homedelivery #telefono#now
Dadissad of Serendiville: SERENDIVILLE - LITTLE MEXICO IN TIRANA Perhere SerenDELIGHTFUL! Si ketu tek ne, ashtu edhe ne shtepine ose ne punen tuaj! Reservations - Home Delivery: +35568 609 3333 #texmex#tirana#albania#little#mexico#tirana #homedelivery
Dadissad of Serendiville: U mpive tek Serendiville ne Meksike? Iiiija, hipja kalit e hidhu tek Serrndipity's Spaghetti Western ne Amerike! Gatime te tetr kezet shpije & muzike Country! Iiiiiija, ec aty, bohuni kaubojsa!#serendipity #serendiville #serendelicious #tirana #albania
Dadissad of Serendiville: The Far West Has Never Before Been So Near You - and the Trip is Worth It! Serendipity's "Spaghetti Western" eshte restoranti i 2-te i Kompanise Serendipity. Kesaj rradhe nuk evokon temen e Meksikes, por ate te Perendimit te Larget. Do te na gjeni ne adre