Tatiana Gettelman: Leking Greater sage-grouse and pronghorn male, Northeastern Nevada (1)
Judylynn M.: Bearing-gifts-For-the-nest
Bob Gunderson: American Avocets
davidcreebirder: Wood Stork Viera Wetlands, Florida **
warrech: Mallow Scrub-hairstreak (Strymon istapa)
Rita Wren: Fallow Deer.
Brian E Kushner: Greater Yellowlegs
greekstifado - Yanni: 20111108_481-2 - Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa)
Vicki's Nature: Count the Cardinals!
Vicki's Nature: Project Feederwatch starts TODAY!
Theresa_Gunn: Goldcrest
Betty Vlasiu: American Oystercatcher
bananaman33428: The Merlin and the rainbow
Eric_Z: Song Sparrow
Kenneth Cole Schneider: Wood Stork feeding 20110921
Brittamay: Out straight
Feather fetish: ELK_6401
Sed Navs: Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes)
bananaman33428: Sprinting Common Gallinule
Camelot5: Colorado Country side
Balakrishnan Valappil: troides minos_2011_08_01_9999_32_Balakrishnan Valappil
bojangles_1953: Pied Kingfisher (Explored)
Brian E Kushner: Black-Crowned Night Heron