yesandyesyes: YxYY Underwater Photobooth
Steve Portigal: Snacklemouth
Erika Hall: "You re-upped my chicken jerkey!"
mikelemmon: Just hanging out with Cheech.
dszuc: RIP Zinfandel
Karen McGrane: Cats n gourds
Karen McGrane: Wine for dinner
Mike Monteiro: What a regal looking asshole.
Erika Hall: Who Watches the Watchdog?
davcron: 20121225-P1100455
Erika Hall: I'm outta here, bitchez.
Mike Monteiro: Mom and Totoro making the Christmas cod.
David McCreath: Sad Claire Danes wants a soft toy to hug, too.
brownorama: Beginning our annual reading of The Hobbit
Mike Monteiro: The asshole comes to Flickr.
Mike Monteiro: Chilly California morning.
Beep.: The helpfullest.
torrez: Wienermobile
everythingisablaze: R1-07796-025A
Erika Hall: Everyone else went to lunch.
jannacybill: Obligatory family picture on the washed-up log.
docbaty: Six dozen! #ravioli
docbaty: A much better batch of scones today.
ayse_e: "Please stay out of the kitchen."
jannacybill: Summer vacation commences...for them. They're home today with Grandma, making cookies and eating pizza. I'm not jealous.
jo wong: jobot_001652
Beep.: Thanks, cat. Was *really* hoping someone would fuck with the recycling bin while I work.
jannacybill: Bill and Sam. cc/ @billder and @sisoma
jmspool: Local Gas Pump
jpmueller99: Green Over Red