brownorama: Cousins!
brownorama: Eight years ago at 8:06am we welcomed this guy into our lives. My world, for one, has been a better place with him in it. Happy Birthday Harry B!
brownorama: Mother's Day bothie. We are actually down by the Potomac river at Edwards ferry, lock 25. Love this lady so much. Our boys are so lucky to have such a great mom!
brownorama: A boy and his dog and his iPhone.
brownorama: Helper
brownorama: Blueberry pancake kinda morning
brownorama: Table all set for 3yo birthday party
brownorama: Turning 3 today! Happy birthday EE!
brownorama: Mistakes were made.
brownorama: Saturday morning Starbucks with this guy while @sarah_e_holden and 7yo at yoga.
brownorama: Celebrating 1 year with the Holden-Brown family. We are so glad you came into our lives Maple!
brownorama: EightShapes volunteers at Food&Friends.
brownorama: upload
brownorama: Few minutes outside with this one was just what I needed to reenergize.
brownorama: "Snack for meeee?"
brownorama: Tomato art. All produce home-grown
brownorama: Provisions for Mobile UX Camp
brownorama: Woot! Prototypes of Surviving Design Projects version 2 and booster pack 1 via @thegamecrafter.
brownorama: Sitting on the porch. Waiting for everyone else to get home.
brownorama: Facing backward
brownorama: Note the corporate colors. Toddlers who shill.
brownorama: From Surviving Design Projects, these two patterns may be as fundamental as "Ask Questions".
brownorama: Tokaido!
brownorama: "We are all individuals." -- @chuckborowicz
brownorama: Arrived: awesome package.
brownorama: Pretty sure Maple is the 2yo's dog.
brownorama: Moon behind clouds.
brownorama: Sick. Anti inflammatory MBS.
brownorama: Skillet chicken pot pie, before and after
brownorama: Settling in