gaymay: February 13, 2021 (71)
gaymay: February 13, 2021 (80)
gaymay: February 13, 2021 (85)
gaymay: February 19, 2021 (38)
gaymay: February 19, 2021 (3)
gaymay: January 29, 2021 (3)
Brody J: Standing Out~ Male Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
captured by bond: D75_0071_00014751
captured by bond: _8109495_00017718LRPS
captured by bond: _8109152_00017375pano
Brody J: Barking Up the Right Tree~ Red-headed Woodpecker
captured by bond: Horsetail _SMB6528
captured by bond: Away I go_SMB6104
Bits On Twigs: Yellow Flag Limniris pseudacorus)
Bits On Twigs: Reaching For The Light
tresed47: Pink Oriental Lily
PepBear: Barcelona - Raval Quarter
luca2142: Punta Ces
Nikolay Kozarski: Two sisters from repair
CR.A.IG: low blow
Brody J: It's a Nice Reflection On You~ Red-eared Slider Turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans)
Brody J: The Mayor of Big Lagoon~ Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
Chris City: CSX 5372 ~ Seattle
Brody J: It's a Day For Hearts and Roses...and a Tricolored Heron
Brody J: It's a Day For Barry White's Greatest Hits and Candle Lit Dinners For Two...and a Red-breasted Merganser
PepBear: Porcelana Alejandro Magno - 1765 - Real Fábrica de Alcora