Bruce aka Bingee:
Happy Valentines Day
ineedathis, Everyday I get up, it's a great day!:
Stainglass Wings!
ineedathis, Everyday I get up, it's a great day!:
Blue in the garden!
Martin Gommel:
Please read…
Bruce aka Bingee:
Now nothing seems as strange as when the leaves began to change Or how we thought those days would never end Sometimes I'll hear that song and I'll start to sing along And think man I'd love to see that girl again
Quiet Storm!:
ineedathis, Everyday I get up, it's a great day!:
Bombs away!
Quiet Storm!:
ineedathis, Everyday I get up, it's a great day!:
Sunday Sunrise in the Pond!
Annette Kirk:
7-52 Love (spoon full of love)
Annette Kirk:
3-52 Spiritual
Bruce aka Bingee:
The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake.... Leonardo da Vinci
Bruce aka Bingee:
In winter the stars seem to have rekindled their fires
Porto paglia
Nellie Vin:
In the evening light.
Nellie Vin:
Užupio Kavine.
Bruce aka Bingee:
Splendor in the snow
ineedathis, Everyday I get up, it's a great day!:
Jeweled Ornament!
The Library of Congress:
Hi! As brightly colored lights appear for the season, here's a year-round neon wonder to enjoy (LOC)
Granite Express:
Blue Universal Marble
andre govia.:
abandoned theme park :: (video link below)
Amanda Mabel:
Day 98/365 ~ You Mustn't Be Afraid to Dream a Little Bigger, Darling
pavel novikov:
Six Million Dollar Home - Office (Atlanta)