haco-otoko: RZ67
tvuori: mamiya rz67
tvuori: mamiya rz67
Mike Finkelstein: benchmark -- 2016, a look back
Flickr Clicks by Al: Index cards
Knitlitcamper: "my precious!" Macro Monday - theme Cards
johnsinclair8888: Bike motor
BugsAlive: Iphiclides podalirius - the Scarce Swallowtail
MOZBOZ1: Female Pine Marten
Andrea Moscato: Museo de las Ciencias, Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias - València, Spain
Kaos2: Three of a kind and a wannabe... Macro Monday- Cards
Rupa Panda: Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well...[Explored on 19th July'16 at position.18]
lishengo: Into darkness
Monceau: Ah, the memories in these memory cards! - Explored
Zeeyolq Photography: Akène à tons crépusculaires
cuppyuppycake: Cards #MacroMondays [Explored]
Neyol: Card Edge - Macro Mondays [Explored No15]
jepag0: empilées hmm ( explore 18/07/16 # 15 )
Karen McQuilkin: Hearts ~Macro Mondays
Martin Häfeli Photography: Milky Matterhorn