sleepnever: Sleeping Monkey
lightonthewater: Distant Storm
Wim van de Meerendonk, back home!: Descending towards Lago Dei Piani (In Explore 25-07-2022)
Andrew J Lee: As I looked out into the night sky, across all those infinite stars, it made me realise how insignificant they are. - Peter Cook
@utrphoto: Maria_3M9A7870
jmsoler: Danza Zaragoza - Nat
Don White (Burnaby): Spider Web Soap Bubbles
D-P Photography: [ ... the dark fortress ]
merrickxxx: new trin_v1_ds
Matthew Coats Photography: lady-bug-raindrops
solanum8: looking out
seanisdabomb: Rhinoceros Beetle
seanisdabomb: In the year 2018
Matthew Coats Photography: green-leaf-drops2
jdcope68: Path
superred2lucas: Low Moon
edmays: The Joy of an Athlete
edmays: Cuillin
edmays: Milky Smooth
solanum8: beneath
DanWS6: Moon3
solanum8: coxcomb texture
TastyWheatus: Me Myself and Nobody Else