antigone78: Happy dog!
antigone78: Waiting to go back.
antigone78: Kumo training.
antigone78: Family
antigone78: Hans Stuck Room
antigone78: currently
antigone78: It's really such a struggle to have to look at this every day... It's like, if I HAVE to I guess somehow I'll manage.
antigone78: South Park win.
antigone78: CLIMB!
antigone78: Vintage Kumo
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Love is the answer.
antigone78: Pit face. Killer? Or snuggle butt? YOU DECIDE!
antigone78: August 30 Day Challenge: Day 5
antigone78: Busted
Matt Longanbach: DSC_0505.jpg
antigone78: 019/365 - Hunter Samus
antigone78: 011/365 - Tired if being ignored, I now have 65 pounds of dog asleep in my lap.
antigone78: 003/365 - Bright eyes.
antigone78: It's cold out here!
antigone78: He looks happy to see me.
antigone78: 008/365 - Hi, I'm cute give me love. And possibly treats. Mostly, give me treats.
antigone78: WHERE'S THE BALL!?
antigone78: My broken hubby. <3
VisualEchos: Sun Dog. **#3 on Explore**
antigone78: Me and Ben
antigone78: WANT!
antigone78: Love.
antigone78: "Ben music"