.michael.newman.: Library
kalleboo: Egg vending machine
mroach: Present for Beelz
kalleboo: Astronomic Clock
Sunny Gulati: 0524081610.jpg
kalleboo: Me w/ korean schoolgirls
mezzoblue: FREE strips of paper
Ben Templesmith: 30 Days of Night: Blood of Christ
Ben Templesmith: American Compacts
gruntzooki: Me with original xkcd Blogofaire strip, London, UK 3.JPG
nickehret: Vend-a-Complexion
gruntzooki: No plebian piss allowed at LA Times book fair, Los Angeles
Daniel Light: Wee Bee
gruntzooki: Me in the outrigger, Big River, Mendocino.jpg
gruntzooki: Vending machine priced by grams of fat, Google, San Jose, California.jpg
3n: UCSC Donkey Kong Postit Mural
gruntzooki: Giant Sony vending machine, DFW
gruntzooki: High-end cosmetics vending-fridge, DFW 1
theorn: Aris drunk at Ottobar
gruntzooki: Awesome devil-horns traffic-signal hack, SoHo, NYC 2
gruntzooki: COPYFYT - my California plates!.jpg
theorem: Monument 163
jkottke: Framed
gruntzooki: Me at breakfast, Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo, California.jpg
mezzoblue: Eric Meyer
gruntzooki: Me on monorail, Disney Sea, Tokyo, Japan.jpg