WATER NOMADS: IMG_0396 Sumps of Nettlebed Cave
skyscraper_: IMG_0144
PhotoPhill: Flower Cave
PhotoPhill: Flower cave- Long Curl
PhotoPhill: Cave Grapes - Gardners Gut Cave
PhotoPhill: Viviennes Needle - Waitomo
PhotoPhill: The Aliens Hands - Bohemia9
PhotoPhill: Gypsum Twist Puketiti Flower Cave
PhotoPhill: Bohemia Drop
Black skulls: Stonehenge winter solstice Sunset 21 12 09
PhotoPhill: Coil - Puketiti Flower Cave
PhotoPhill: Heavenictite with Gavin
PhotoPhill: Agamemnon Cave - Springy Thingy
PhotoPhill: Agamemnon Cave - Gypsum Helectite
erndb: “You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself”
Brina Bat (Sabrina Simon): Double or Nothing
"Crunchy"Girl: DSC_0148
_Tim Curtis_: The Monument Pillar
dudley bug: The Courtesan - Iles Inlet - Agen Allwedd
dudley bug: Entrance Crawl - Cwm Dwr
dudley bug: The Courtesan - Iles Inlet - Agen Allwedd
dudley bug: Main Streamway - Peak Cavern
dudley bug: Shower Inlet - OFD2 [Explored 11-08-08]
Alan Cressler: Helictite, Sphinx Cave, Coronado National Forest, Cochise County, Arizona 1