"Crunchy"Girl: My squishy!
"Crunchy"Girl: Tasty toes
"Crunchy"Girl: Stopped by daddy's office
"Crunchy"Girl: Stare down
"Crunchy"Girl: Happy Easter!
"Crunchy"Girl: Happy Easter!
"Crunchy"Girl: Dress up fun!
"Crunchy"Girl: Bath time!
"Crunchy"Girl: #firstdayofspring
"Crunchy"Girl: Happy Pi birthday to this little stinker!
"Crunchy"Girl: Daily dose of adorable!
"Crunchy"Girl: Tea time
"Crunchy"Girl: Alexandra Vann Ludwig
"Crunchy"Girl: Sisters
"Crunchy"Girl: Welcome to the world Alexandra!
"Crunchy"Girl: Two weeks to baby no.2
"Crunchy"Girl: Spaghetti night
"Crunchy"Girl: Enjoying some outdoor time before the snow arrives.
"Crunchy"Girl: Survived our first flight #toddlersonplanes
"Crunchy"Girl: Goodnight my love, few greater things in life...
"Crunchy"Girl: Looking for shells with grandma & grandpa
"Crunchy"Girl: Hunting for shells
"Crunchy"Girl: Dec. 26: beach day!
"Crunchy"Girl: Opening gifts!
"Crunchy"Girl: Glade I'm not in NYC #longboatkey
"Crunchy"Girl: #Supergirl #happyhalloween
"Crunchy"Girl: My little sailor!
"Crunchy"Girl: Petting zoo
"Crunchy"Girl: Took a short walk today
"Crunchy"Girl: Nice piece of nature in an urban maze