Dóra B.: Auðnutittlingur
Dóra B.: Auðnutittlingur
yukonchris: Nares
++sepp++: hidden secrets
westport 1946: "With Loving Care" Peak District National Park Staffordshire England.
westport 1946: The Road To Combs, Peak District National Park, Derbyshire, England.
Aram G.: 226A1643
ctberney: How to identify a Northern Flicker (eastern bird)
Jasrmcf: Fuji x-t1 50mm canon fd 1.8
*Capture the Moment*: Rocky Perspective
yoshi.i: 平林寺
Gord Sawyer: Barred Owl
1D110: DSC_2014.jpg
Rich Levine: Windswept
FotoGrazio: Water flowing over a textured surface
ctberney: Canada Geese landing on a mostly frozen pond
Spontaneousnap: Nameless
*Capture the Moment*: Two of a kind