paper whistle: Screen Shot 2014-03-21 at 9.44.18 PM
paper whistle: Fictionist / Lasting Echo
Willbryantplz: PSU: Show and Tell by Frank
felipeguga: new serie #8
felipeguga: new serie #3
川貝母 Inca Pan: The Golden Goose - Inca Pan Exhibition
Day by Day studio: 春聯懷舊小紙玩 東西南北一路 發‧福
達姆 | chiachi: for newspaper
Bjorn Lie: Kid science
Bjorn Lie: Park72
xtinalamb: Fairground endpapers
rabbit44: Life 's snap shot vol.3
croter: 林語堂故居門票設計。
croter: 高雄市紀念二二八事件系列活動(主視覺設計/插畫)
Suzanna Scott: Librarie
Suzanna Scott: Bricolage no 83
LucKy wei / 拉拉: 法國老爹來報到
川貝母 Inca Pan: Rapunzel / 長髮公主
: : PINE : :: Pied wagtail.
Lil' jay: horses
: : PINE : :: Bullfinch and anemonies.
Wil Freeborn: Butterfly skirt