Day by Day studio: Keychain with mirror😊 The series of Mr.Cat. It’s good for ladies, when you need to check your make up, you can find it in your bag all the time 💋💄💁‍♀️
Day by Day studio: Keychain with mirror😊 The series of Mr.Cat. It’s good for ladies, when you need to check your make up, you can find it in your bag all the time 💋💄💁‍♀️
Day by Day studio: My favorite princess,so lovely and sweet. Thanks for coming along beautiful 😘🌹✍
Day by Day studio: Little fox for the children on this weekend .
Day by Day studio: Little fairy petals,such a cutie!
Day by Day studio: Finally I applied my Instagram😆😆😆 Ig:daybyday_studio
Day by Day studio: I just love those little tiger, we had such a great day immersing ourselves in all the local goodness at the markets and showing off our face paints in town for the rest of the day after playing in the sunshine!
Day by Day studio: Face painting
Day by Day studio: Face painting
Day by Day studio: Portrait drawing for Cherry & John
Day by Day studio: Portrait drawing for Angel&Jeremy
Day by Day studio: Family portrait drawing for Yynhee&Steven
Day by Day studio: Wedding card for Dei & Yeo
Day by Day studio: Wedding card for Dei & Yeo
Day by Day studio: for newspaper"放牛"
Day by Day studio: For newspaper→尋浪啊 畫惹自己覺得有點萌的插圖呵, 說的是關於餵食浪浪阿貓的奴才散文, 喔喔喔完全感同身受呀這!!(景濤自抱肩), 家裡附近的貓也很愛來蹭飯吃, 吃完還要摸兩下真的是有夠愛使喚人, 但牠那種欲拒還迎的樣子實在是讓人心裡癢癢的(完了難道我是M!!!) 總之真的是畫的心有戚戚焉痾! --- 那麼來猜猜這次的插圖裡有幾隻浪浪阿喵好了(有人要玩嗎哈哈哈哈哈)
Day by Day studio: *For newspaper*看、聽不到的鋼琴家
Day by Day studio: My graphic novel
Day by Day studio: For 博客來2月讀書日
Day by Day studio: *For line app* 上班族人生|裴小馬{business life| pony pei}
Day by Day studio: *For newspaper* 裸食是種生活情調
Day by Day studio: *UMade* for mobile phones
Day by Day studio: *UMade* for mobile phones
Day by Day studio: *UMade* for mobile phones
Day by Day studio: Day by Day
Day by Day studio: Dear Mr.Cat for book
Day by Day studio: Dear Mr. Cat│Pony Pei Solo Exhibition
Day by Day studio: Map for 國美館散步地圖
Day by Day studio: 知音文創X裴小馬在地生活紙膠帶
Day by Day studio: 知音文創X裴小馬在地生活紙膠帶