Vulcanian: Try to count! [EXPLORE]
Tatyana_v_727_: noticed today . . . leaves starting to change colors 🍂
Tatyana_v_727_: La Vita Nuova
Tatyana_v_727_: The School of Life
OldRoger: Analogue Kyoto...
Tatyana_v_727_: time flies like an arrow
xamad: M106 and NGC4248 in Canis Venatici
Thomas Hawk: I Wonder If You'd Miss Me
Thomas Hawk: Crazy Dreams and a Broken Wing
Tatyana_v_727_: letting go
weyo edagr: AGFA Optima 1535 Electronic Sensor
Cheer up, Kafka.: Portland, OR
Cheer up, Kafka.: Portland, OR
VenusTraum: Time for Thunderstorm
Semina Psichogiopoulou: I was dreaming of the past and my heart was beating fast.