In Memoriam: russell.tomlin: Beauty in the Ordinary 214
Sperrgebiet / restricted area: Impressive Soviet mural / Eindrucksvolles sowjetisches Wandbild/Relief
Sperrgebiet / restricted area: Here a often photographed mural from 2010 at it's original position.
lawatt: shapes in the landscape
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Filament Burst [video]
Boston Public Library: Tea kettle sign, Oriental Tea Co., near Court Street
Boston Public Library: Chief Goes To War, Chief Hollow Horn Bear, Sioux
Maria Sciandra: Sun-Bathing
Sperrgebiet / restricted area: Soviet propaganda poster with the land-, sea - and air force. "Sergants and majors of the forces of the USSR."
Camera_Shy.: Geography class
nolando: Vancouver 18
suspiciousminds: In Exile
Junkstock: Noble Appellation
Say "Wasabi": Troll’s Teeth
k5pentaxian1: 52Project2017- Macro Edition-47--Seeds--Abstract Tomato
Say "Wasabi": Hebridean Mood
Maria Sciandra: Heaven On Earth
lawatt: landscape pinhole
Say "Wasabi": In a Silent Way
Say "Wasabi": Przewalski's Horse
Say "Wasabi": Langisjor Lake
Say "Wasabi": "Would benefit from modernisation"
Say "Wasabi": Lonely as a Cloud
Junkstock: Company Town
Darren Wilkin: 2017-256 Bubbles
Maria Sciandra: Aubergine One
k5pentaxian1: 52project2017--33-Brushes-- Bristling in Blue
AFracturedCrown: Paint me a picture
dbourdon47: Brush