loom_panik: chipper/charnel house/pleasureblade flyer
david barclay: St-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France
Alex Mussawir: AtxdPDKCMAM7S3q.jpg_large
david barclay: Great Southern California Blackout [1]
the Trunk Space: Sept 2 2011 (MusicTapes)
Stumptown Printers: Rustic Typefounders of Phoenix
bloodonasnuggie: Field trip today to see this mural. It smelled like paint still.
our teeth: girl hands
david barclay: Collaborative Mother-Son Project
jay cob: eliot and mallory
natebeaty: a vigorous mowing
natebeaty: "What I've Been Up To Lately"
giraffe(flickr): IMG_20101201_111850
swanksalot: Lichen Spiritual Archives and Nuclear Fallout Shelter
junku: DSC_1278