FotoGrazio: Magnolia's Autumn Colors
Steven D'Cruze: 5 Star Meal
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
acerman17: Female Sparrowhawk
Arlindo Fragoso: Rola-brava (Streptopelia turtur)
mikedec: IMG_4599x
W & V: D7000, sigma 180mm f3,5, R1C1.
W & V: Poderosa 105mm NIKON MICRO
ChrisdM ONE: enjoying the sunset
Bugtris: Gecko House Stella Maris
cre8foru2009: Red-Headed Woodpecker
imam barnadi: love is not a destiny, love is a quest
Graham N Brownlow: IMG_4806 Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker (Explore)
valiant aja: crave for bokeh
greg obierek: Eating on the run....
Jerry_a: Airbrakes
hardi_630: Schafstelze/ Yellow Wagtail
Naturfotografie Markus Lenzen: Säbelschnäbler mit Nachwuchs
Fesapo: Niagara Nightlife
RattlingNinja: Thirsk Falconry Centre
Phil Ostroff: #9 Ambrose
` Toshio ': Seagulls In Flight at La Jolla Cove
Bethany LeAnne: dreamscapes