MarjieM777: Juvie on a zinnia
bobmullen777: Forster's Tern 8-24-24
- jerri -: McDowell's sunflower (Helianthus dowellianus)
- jerri -: under the spell
SW Roller: Photogenic and Rakish House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), Manzano State Park, Manzano Land Grant, Torrance County, New Mexico, USA
MarjieM777: Seems late for the first monarch in the garden
MarjieM777: Landing gear down
Michael H Teague: Barn in the Cypress
bobmullen777: Black Swallowtail Bumble Bee 8-24-24
Georgesr58: Canada geese
Rolf Dietrich Brecher: A box full of akkumulated Madness
bobmullen777: Tennessee Warbler 8-24-2024
- jerri -: the leaves of brown came tumblin' down, remember...
- jerri -: collection of spools of thread
David Hall DRH Photography: Step Into The Surf
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Northern Parula
bobmullen777: Great Egret 8-31-24
Tokki,an idiot w/cameras & birds. 5.8M views: Moluccan Dwarf-Kingfisher (North Moluccan) Ceyx lepidus uropygialis
neilhilton65: Chestnut-crowned Becard
bobmullen777: prairie warbler 8-24-2024
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Green Heron
Tokki,an idiot w/cameras & birds. 5.8M views: Beach Kingfisher. Todiramphus saurophagus (record shot)
erauws: Barney jr
MarjieM777: Big flower-little bird
MarjieM777: Black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes
- jerri -: I'm keepin' my EYE on that BIRD