fernandoprats: Party's over there.
fernandoprats: Haber Habemus Aver.
fernandoprats: Sonatasona.
fernandoprats: Everything's fine.
fernandoprats: Mel, Matthau, Lemmon.
w.eras: Urban abstract 1
w.eras: Around the corner 6
w.eras: Frontier
brancolina: trinity
brancolina: compromise
brancolina: blue line
brancolina: today
brancolina: daybeforetomorrow
brancolina: twodaysafter
brancolina: the chase
brancolina: gehry's tune #1
fernandoprats: This convergence of reality and unreality lacks of sense
fernandoprats: "Vamos", by fernandoprats, Finalist of the III Photography Contest "Torres Humanas"
fernandoprats: Has he given you another exercise? -he asked-. Has he given you something besides this year?
barneymcgrew: back of the net
SteffenTuck: he sat reading
Françoise Lucas: Marked attraction
w.eras: Lightscape 7