wildlifevisage: Long-Eared Owl
The Owl Man: What's the scoop? (Barred Owl)
hakoar: Mother bear teaches cubs by example and cubs follow
Gord Sawyer: Baby Bluebirds
beeton_bear: Madagascar Malachite_Kingfisher_WEB_2U6A5276
Tyler C. Grudowski Photography: Leucistic Great Horned Owl with Her Owlet
Tyler C. Grudowski Photography: Leucistic Great Horned Owl
wlb393: Northern Harrier
thomasryan: Peregrine Falcon
Stephen Oachs (ApertureAcademy.com): "The Matriarch" - Cheetah with 5 cubs in the Masai Mara
jhayesvw: Elf Owl
Raymond Hoffmann: [ … embrace ]
Eka Novianto: Threatening
John Kok: Underage drinking problem