lesleyhyphenanne: moose versus car
Stephen Poff: April 4th 2006
lawatt: our kissing spot
ArtByChrysti: Whispers
ArtByChrysti: A Patient Sort of Wisdom
wynneth: Take my hand . . .
Didi van Frits: inspectors are coming
Didi van Frits: pinakothek der moderne
wynneth: Sunny Cafe
doublecappuccino: That Baseball is About to Come My Way at an Alarmingly High Speed
Sara Heinrichs (awfulsara): photog in the flowers
iFjord: virtual puddles
Cade Buchanan: Mister Paparazzo
idogu: - start of a new chapter -
shoegazer.: 3372_1
shoegazer.: DSC00306_1_1
shoegazer.: DSC00414_1