neilhilton65: Water Rail
neilhilton65: Crested Tit
neilhilton65: Great Tit
neilhilton65: Hawfinch
neilhilton65: Long-eared Owl
sandra bourgeois: Renard croisé - Cross fox
dan.weisz: American Kestrel
dan.weisz: Sticking the Landing
dan.weisz: Burrowing Owl
dan.weisz: Northern Harrier
Kaptured by Kala: Contemplating The Wealth
Kaptured by Kala: Surrounded By Admirers
Dave_Lawrence: Tri-colored Blackbird---Agelatus tricolor
Dave_Lawrence: Brewer's Black Bird---Euphagus cyanocephalus
Marvin Montado: Black Vulture (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Brown-hooded Parrot (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Chestnut-headed Oropendola (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Female Resplendent Quetzal (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Keel-billed Toucan (Costa Rica)
Marvin Montado: Shinning Honeycreeper (Costa Rica)
Guy Lichter Photography - 10M views Thank you: Itchy.. Scratchy... Northern Hawk Owl...#2
pekabo90401: Red-whiskered Bulbul finds a home at the Arb ...bulbul 9959 LA Arb Southern California
zimorodek: Brown Thrasher in Russian Olive (that's how we see birds most of the times :). Corrales village, New Mexico, USA.
zimorodek: A rarity - Brown Thrasher on Russian Olive which berries are its favorite food. Corrales village, New Mexico, USA.
zimorodek: Llamas,