Mimi Ditchie: Inner Sanctum
MarjieM777: Eastern bluebird (male)
alicecahill: Dinner Time
Virginia Rivers: Barred Owl (Strix varia), Montour WMA Idaho
pasotim1: Start of the Blue Hour
Mimi Ditchie: Jelly Fish
marlin harms: Beach Patterns
marlin harms: Mycena acicula, Orange Bonnet Growing Among Oak Leaves
Robert Streithorst: Catching Light
99tremblayh@gmail.com: Nyctale de Tengmalm
alicecahill: Burrowing Owl in Flight
alicecahill: Barn Owl
alicecahill: Splish - Splash
alicecahill: Burrowing Owl Stare
marlin harms: Sea Stars, Anemones & Mussels Under the Arch at Minus Tide
c.dmartin: Stick the Landing
dan.weisz: Gray Ghost
John N Hoang: Short-eared Owl taking off
Virginia Rivers: Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), Kathryn Albertson Park, Boise, Idaho
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-19-5147-Strix nebulosa
Virginia Rivers: Great Grey Owl (Strix nebulosa)
michafink: Silberreiher - Great Egret
MarjieM777: Juvie heading for blue salvia
Mimi Ditchie: Afternoon Beach Walk
Thy Photography: Western Screech Owls
pasotim1: Rustin' Away in the Mojave Desert
neilhilton65: Marsh Tit
Bob Sablo: Tři Colored Heron
Michael Renfrow: Ghost Dog House