Chris B@rlow: Great views but not for the rodent !
Rudy578: The Gray Ghost (Northern Harrier, male)
Pablo Moreno V: Nysius sp.
Pablo Oyarzún Ruiz: Guanay, guanay cormorant (Suliformes, Phalacrocoracidae: Phalacrocorax bougainvilli) y pelícano, Peruvian pelican (Pelecaniformes, Pelecanidae: Pelecanus thagus)
Magallanico 1960: Rara (Shakrletw rara) 001
Magallanico 1960: Chincol (Zonotrichia capensis australis) 011
Daniel Sziklai G.: Blackish Cinclodes. Churrete Austral. Cinclodes antarcticus
Gabriel Cartes: Garza cuca
Gabriel Cartes: Martín pescador - Ringed kingfisher - Ceryle torquata
Benito Rosende: Halcón perdiguero
pablo_caceres_c: Mero grande (Agriornis livida)
ik_kil: Rufous-chested Plover
Gabriel Cartes: Churrín del Sur - Scytalopus magellanicus
Avifauna_Chilena.: Dormilona Fraile/ mucisaxicola flavinucha. 🍃
joaquim.cavaco: Perna vermelha comum. Archibebe Comúm. Alvor
joaquim.cavaco: picanço-real
Patrick Monney: Pingouin torda - Isle of May/Scotland/UK_20220616_093-1
ronzigler: American Bittern in-flight 267A4242
hushabye38: _56A4792-Edit
hushabye38: DH9A8505-Edit
hushabye38: DH9A9501-Edit
hushabye38: DH9A9585-Edit
Once In Time Photography: First arrivals :)
Marie-Josée D'Amour: Ibis blanc / American White Ibis
Minder Cheng: Surfbird in transition to breeding plumage
Minder Cheng: Black-headed Grosbeak on Willow (Salix)